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Naming someone as a contact about your disability

On Behalf of | Nov 21, 2019 | Social Security Disability |

The Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) application process for disability benefits is complicated and length, so you naturally want to do everything you can to make things easier for yourself. That means choosing your answers to certain questions the SSA will ask very wisely. Even something that seems rather insignificant can have a big effect on your case.

For example, the SSA will ask you for the name, address and contact information of someone they can contact about your medical condition who can assist with your claim. While you may have several people who come to mind, here’s what you need to consider before you decide whose name to list:

How well does this person know your condition?

You don’t want to name someone who only has a vague idea of your condition and how it limits your daily life and ability to work. Consider who may understand that situation better than others. Your brother may know the name of your condition, but it may be your best friend who worked with you for 20 years who actually saw your condition deteriorate. That friend may be in a better position to describe your struggle to SSA than any relative.

How genuine do you feel this person is?

You don’t want to name someone who has a habit of overstating things any more than you want to name someone who is inclined to minimize your condition. The SSA will be trying to see if your description of your condition and what’s in your medical records is reflected by those around you, so you want someone who will be forthright and clear.

Is this person reliable?

You want to make certain that the person you name is reliable and will return the SSA’s call or letter. It doesn’t matter how well your neighbor knows your problems if she won’t pick up the phone when the claims examiner calls.

If you’re struggling to get your Social Security Disability claim approved, it may be time to look at new options. Discuss your case with an attorney to see what can be done.

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