West Sixth Law | Attorneys

Contact Us Today: 812-273-5230

Formerly Known as Alcorn Sage Schwartz & McGrath

We Are In It For The Long Haul Compassion, Skill And Results Since 1976

We Are In It For The Long Haul Compassion, Skill And Results Since 1976

Hurt In A Fire? Our Experienced Team Is On Your Side.

Photo of Professionals at Alcorn, Sage, Schwartz & Magrath LLP

Injuries from fires and explosions can leave physical and psychological scars that can last a lifetime. If you are suffering from burn injuries after a motor vehicle collision, work accident or other type of incident, we can help. You do not have to walk through the difficult aftermath on your own.

For over four decades, the Indiana law firm of West Sixth Law in Madison has been helping fire and explosion victims seek the recovery they deserve. Since our founding in 1976, we have secured millions in personal injury damages on behalf of our clients. Our lawyers will apply all our experience, resources and extensive knowledge of the law in our effort to bring your case to a successful conclusion.

The Far-Reaching Impact Of Burn Injuries

Fires and explosions can be a devastating consequence of various types of accidents, including a car crash, work accident, mishandling of explosive material and more. If your burn injuries are the result of the actions of another person or party, you have the right to seek compensation through a personal injury claim.

Burns are a unique type of injury, and they may not ever fully heal. Your recovery can be extensive and costly, and you may need support and medical treatment for months or years. We will help you address the immediate and long-term impacts of your injuries, including:

  • Scarring
  • Tissue weakness
  • Infection
  • Additional hospital stays
  • Plastic surgery and other procedures
  • Emotional duress and psychological impacts

We take great pride in helping accident victims in Madison and beyond navigate the complicated and devastating aftermath of fires and explosions. We truly care about the needs of our clients, and we are committed to making a positive difference in your life.

Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation

Discuss your case with an attorney and learn about the legal options available to you by contacting our Madison office today. Initial evaluations are free; schedule yours here or call 812-273-5230 as soon as possible after your accident.