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Fall driving tips

On Behalf of | Sep 3, 2020 | Motor vehicle accidents, Personal Injury |

Fall is just around the corner. This can mean opportunities to enjoy the cooler temperatures and autumn foliage on a long drive. It also means that it is time to review the challenges of driving at this time of year. Many are well aware of the shorter days, leading to commutes in the dark until March. The weather will also get wetter and frostier. And those lovely leaves, perhaps knocked down by rain, can become treacherously slippery when wet.

Some other seasonal hazards

The above observations are commonplace to experienced drivers. There also are some other hazards that could be less obvious:

  • Kids crossing: Some areas are doing remote learning, but school is officially back in session, and those school zones signs are there for a reason. Vigilance on Halloween is also essential.
  • Loss of tire pressure: Temperature fluctuations this time of year lead to air pressure loss during the cooler late nights and early mornings. Make sure to check to see if the tires are in their proper safety range.
  • Deer on the move: According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, drivers are 3.5 times more likely to hit an animal (especially deer) in November than other times of the year.
  • Leaves again: Not only can leaves be slippery, but they can also cover up road hazards like potholes.

Legal help may be necessary

Those involved in an accident this fall may find it necessary to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney. Whether accused of negligence or suffering from an injury, these legal professionals can analyze the circumstances surrounding the incident and formulate a plan for resolving the matter either with a fair settlement or through litigation.

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