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Should an accident victim deal with a claims adjuster?

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2021 | Motor vehicle accidents |

Accident victims likely want to move on with their lives after a car crash. However, suffering severe injuries and property damage may leave Indiana victims seeking financial compensation for their losses and suffering. Filing an insurance claim may lead to receiving a settlement, but only after discussions with a claims adjuster. It’s sad to say, but some accident victims hurt their claims by making certain statements to the adjuster.

Dealing with an insurance claims adjuster

An adjuster performs an investigation when someone files an insurance claim. The investigation often includes interviews with claimants, witnesses, and the potentially negligent person. A claimant may lack experience dealing with adjusters, leading to possible troubles.

Among the most harmful things a claimant could say would be anything that involves admitting any fault. Now, lying to a claims adjuster might get a claimant into trouble, so being untruthful may be a terrible idea. Being truthful is necessary, but ironically, some accident victims may place fault on themselves when they truly were not liable for the collision. Regardless, admitting fault could drive down a settlement or hurt a claimant in court.

Sometimes, the adjuster might want to record the conversation. Perhaps turning down the request would be helpful to the claimant’s cause.

Representation and speaking to an adjuster

Speculation may not help someone hoping for a settlement. Car accidents might result in confusion and disorientation, and remembering details days after the incident could be challenging. However, speculating may result in making inaccurate, unhelpful statements.

Accident victims might not realize they don’t have to accept the first settlement offer, either. Unfortunately, victims may have no idea how to negotiate for a more substantial offer. Maybe hiring an attorney to handle representation duties would work out better.

An attorney could negotiate with a claims adjuster. The attorney might recommend legal action if the insurance provider acts in bad faith.

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