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Lone workers face unique safety risks

On Behalf of | Jan 7, 2022 | Workers' Compensation |

Workers across Indiana are exposed to a number of hazards each day. Fortunately, most people go about their employment activities without running into trouble. Others are not so lucky.

Being injured at work is not only traumatic, but it can have a significant bearing on your future. In many scenarios, employees will have the support of co-workers when they get into a work-related accident. Lone workers do not have this luxury and are left with the daunting prospect of trying to obtain medical assistance on their own. Recognizing the more common risk factors associated with lone-working could play a key role in preventing accidents.

Health emergencies

Research suggests that as many as 10,00 people suffer from cardiac arrest at work every year. Such a situation is grave, even if there are plenty of co-workers within the vicinity. Many lone workers are involved in tasks that require a significant amount of physical exertion. Additionally, lone workers are subjected to work-related stress surrounding deadlines and complications with projects. Overexertion could potentially be more costly to a lone worker, given the unlikelihood of a passer-by spotting that they are in trouble.

The risk of falling

Slips, trips and falls can happen to anyone at any time. In the construction sector, workers may rely on the use of scaffolding to access jobs at a height. In almost all working environments, ladders are used to reach objects and stairways are used just to get from A to B. If a lone worker has a fall, help may not arrive for an extended period of time. This can have serious implications in terms of the impact that an accident has on their health. For head injuries, in particular, it is vital that workers receive immediate medical attention. This simply isn’t possible for a lone worker, especially if they have lost consciousness.

Employers have a duty to ensure that lone workers have adequate support. If you have been involved in a workplace accident, it may benefit you to explore the legal options at your disposal.

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