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What should you do after a workplace accident?

On Behalf of | Nov 9, 2022 | Workers' Compensation |

Your actions after a workplace accident could make or break your workers’ compensation claim. Quite often, many claims are denied because the affected workers’ unknowingly made mistakes or failed to follow some guidelines.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the dos and don’ts that could negatively affect your chances of getting workers’ compensation benefits. Here are the steps to take following a workplace injury in Indiana.

Get medical attention

The first thing you need to do is seek medical care, both for your well-being and to protect your claim. A doctor’s report can provide invaluable evidence about the nature and extent of the injuries you sustained from the accident.

It’s worth noting that your treating doctor should be pre-approved by your employer for you to claim medical benefits. Unless it is an emergency where you are at risk due to the injuries sustained, you should be careful about your choice of doctor, as you may end up bearing the medical bills incurred.

Inform your employer about the accident

Notifying your employer about the accident is crucial to the claims process. In Indiana, you have 30 days to do so. Your claim may be dismissed if you wait any longer than that. It is advisable to inform your employer of your workplace accident in writing and maintain copies of all correspondence regarding the accident.

Learn more about the process ahead

A workplace accident can lead to untold physical and mental anguish. Obtaining compensation benefits should not be an added burden. Understanding how the workers’ compensation process works in Indiana will help you know what to expect and address any issues that may arise. 

It will also help secure your rights and interests during the entire claims proceeding, thereby increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

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