Workers’ compensation benefits can help to provide some much-needed financial support if you suffer injuries as a result of a workplace accident or a work-acquired condition. For a successful claim, you’ll need to gather specific evidence to help establish the validity of your case.
You will not generally be required to prove whether an accident was or was not your fault. However, you may need to show the extent of your injuries or how your condition arose as a result of your job. Keeping the following kinds of evidence at the ready can potentially help your claim.
Medical records
Medical evidence can help link your injuries to your workplace accident and ascertain they were not pre-existing. This is particularly useful to your workers’ compensation claim as it can help determine the outcome. Gather any reports from doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers detailing your injuries, treatment received and prognosis for recovery.
Documentation of the accident
If possible, document the accident scene by taking photos of your injuries and the location where it happened. Note down the time, date and record of events. Statements from those who witnessed your accident can also support your claim.
Financial records
Presenting financial evidence of your losses can help you get the benefits you deserve. Pay stubs can help determine lost wages and receipts can prove the out-of-pocket expenses you incurred, like medical care bills and transportation costs.
Correspondence and communication
It’s equally important to keep copies of any communication relevant to your claim. Make duplicates of every document you file, including the notification letter of the workplace accident to your employer, as it can help avoid a lot of unnecessary back and forth.
Reaching out for qualified legal assistance when filing a workers’ compensation claim can help build a strong case and protect your interests while significantly increasing the chances of a positive outcome.