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Types of catastrophic injuries in a truck accident

On Behalf of | May 16, 2024 | Motor vehicle accidents |

Trucks are an integral part of daily logistics and transportation, but unfortunately, when accidents occur, they can result in catastrophic injuries. These injuries can leave the victims and their loved ones grappling with enormous medical and rehabilitation expenses, lifelong disabilities and significant emotional trauma.

Due to their sheer weight and size, trucks are more likely to cause severe and devastating injuries in accidents. Some of these catastrophic injuries include the following.

Severe head trauma

The impact of a truck accident can result in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), ranging from concussions to more severe forms such as diffuse axonal injury or cerebral contusions. These injuries can lead to cognitive impairment, memory loss, personality changes and in the most severe cases, coma or permanent vegetative state. Even with prompt medical attention, the long-term effects of head trauma can be profound, impacting the victim’s ability to work, engage in daily activities and maintain relationships.

Spinal injuries

Injuries to the spine can have devastating consequences, often resulting in paralysis or loss of sensation below the site of the injury. Truck accidents can cause fractures, dislocations or compression of the spinal cord, leading to conditions such as paraplegia or quadriplegia. These injuries not only affect mobility but also impact bodily functions such as bowel and bladder control. Rehabilitation for spinal cord injuries is intensive and ongoing, focusing on maximizing function and independence through physical therapy, occupational therapy and assistive devices.

Crushed limbs

The limbs suffer the brunt of the force in truck accidents, often leading to devastating injuries such as crushed or mangled extremities. The sheer weight and momentum of a truck can result in limbs becoming trapped between vehicles or crushed under the weight of the collision. These injuries may necessitate traumatic amputations or extensive reconstructive surgery to repair damaged tissues and bones. Even with successful medical intervention, individuals may face challenges such as chronic pain, decreased mobility and the need for prosthetic limbs or assistive devices to regain function.

If you suffered injury in a truck accident due to no fault of your own, you may be entitled to seek compensation through legal recourse.


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