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Workers’ comp is better than health insurance for job injuries

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2024 | Workers' Compensation |

An on-the-job injury is not what someone expects to experience when they start their shift. However, workers do get hurt at work every day due to small mistakes they make themselves, errors on the part of coworkers or even issues with workplace equipment.

When a work incident results in an injury, the affected employee may require medical care. If their support needs extend beyond basic first aid, they may need to go to a local hospital or doctor’s office. Some employees don’t want to cause issues for the companies that employ them.

They might seek medical care on their own time instead of leaving their shift early. In fact, they might even try to use their own health insurance coverage to pay for their treatments. Doing so can be a mistake, as workers’ compensation offers better protection.

How does medical coverage differ from health insurance?

The medical coverage available through workers’ compensation is less expensive for the employee. Most modern health insurance policies have certain patient responsibility costs built into the policy. Workers may already realize that they have to pay a certain amount for treatment to meet a deductible before health insurance covers their care. They may also have to pay a copay every time they attend an appointment or pick up a prescription.

Co-insurance can be an even bigger issue. Many insurance policies require that policyholders cover a certain percentage of their care costs. An 80/20 split leaving the worker responsible for a fifth of their medical expenses is relatively common. Coinsurance can be even higher than that. Some policies require 50% coinsurance for emergency room services, for example.

Workers’ compensation health coverage is a form of no-cost coverage for the worker. They don’t have any personal financial responsibility for their treatment expenses. Workers’ compensation pays the full costs of the necessary treatment required as part of their claim.

There are secondary benefits when filing a claim

Filing a workers’ compensation claim to obtain medical benefits can open the door to other forms of support for an injured worker. They can potentially receive disability benefits if they have to take time off until they recover.

They are also in a better position to ask an employer for on-the-job accommodations because of their medical condition. Some workers are anxious about a claim for benefits, but they have protection under the law. Employers should not retaliate against or punish employees who report injuries at work or file claims for workers’ compensation.

Learning more about workers’ compensation benefits can help employees see the value of filing a claim. Injured workers sometimes need assistance learning about benefits and navigating the claims process. Seeking personalized guidance and assistance is always an option.

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