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Should you talk to the other driver’s insurance company?

On Behalf of | Sep 19, 2024 | Motor vehicle accidents |

When you exchange information with the other driver after an accident, they will forward it to their insurance company. There is a high chance their insurer will contact you. So, should you talk to them?

Here is what you need to know:

You are not legally required to speak with them

When you receive a call from the other driver’s insurer, you are not obligated to talk to them. You can decline to have the conversation. The company can handle the case with your insurer. Thus, don’t believe you can jeopardize your claim when you refuse to participate in a conversation.

Why it’s recommended not to talk to the other insurance company

Anything you say to the other driver’s insurer can disadvantage you. For example, you may unknowingly downplay your injuries or provide inaccurate details regarding how the accident happened. Accordingly, you may be determined to be partially or fully at fault for the crash and your compensation can be minimized.

Consider avoiding conversations with the other driver’s insurance company, even in situations that seem logical to have one, for instance, when the other driver lies about what happened. Your insurance company should communicate with the other insurer on your behalf about your concerns.

You may also be tempted to call the other driver’s insurance company to confirm if they reported the case because there is a possibility they may not do so since they want to avoid having their premiums increased. Your insurance company should handle this for you as well.

It’s vital to avoid having conversations with the other driver’s insurer as much as possible. Instead, let your insurance company deal with the claim while you learn more to make informed decisions.

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